Monday, January 13, 2014

Upcoming events in South-South and triangular cooperation

Be prepared! 2014 will be an intense year for us engaged in development systems, South-South and triangular cooperation, and knowledge exchange. Follow the events below and check regularly for updates.

* Approval of the Strategic Framework of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation 2014-2017

13-14 February: First planning meeting of CLACSO Working Group on South-South Cooperation and Development Policies in Latin America. Quito, Ecuador
* The CLACSO Working Group on South-South Cooperation and Development Policies in Latin America aims to analyze how SSC strategies relate to foreign policy agendas and to understand how they connect with current debates on development models in the region

19 May: IBSA Fund in Partnership with the United Nations: Symbol of South-South Cooperation and Solidarity

* The forum will assess how a global partnership for development beyond 2015 could work in practice; examine implications of a post-2015 development agenda for development cooperation; identify ways to enhance national and global accountability and effective monitoring of development cooperation; advance policy dialogue and concrete actions by Souther development cooperation partners on common issues and challenges

10-11 July: 4th Development Cooperation Forum. New York 

* The Conference will have two panels dedicated to South-South Cooperation and Development Policies in Latin America focused on SSC and business, regional integration, financial institutions, health policies, human rights, knowledge exchange and innovation.

12 September: United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation 

16-29 September: 69th Session of the UN General Assembly

POSTPONED (TBC): Feria Saber del Sur 2014, Ciudad del Saber, Panamá

6-7 November: Global Partnership Workshop | South-South Cooperation Breakout Session, Seoul, South Korea

17-21 November: Global South-South Development Expo. Washington DC

20-21 November: Mini Forum South-South Cooperation Think Tanks and Partnership Breakfast, during the Global South-South Development Expo. Washington DC

8 December: Conference on South-South Cooperation on Climate Change (SSCCC) in the interval of the UNFCCC COP20


  1. Appreciating your efforts.

    Two points:
    1. The hyperlink of the April event is wrong to the event of May.
    2. The GSSD in October is supposed to combined with the UN Day for SSC in September.

  2. Thank you for the feedback! You are welcome to share other events that may not be listed here and to check the website regularly for updates.

  3. The GSSD will take place later in 2014, probably in November. Dates yet to be confirmed.
