Monday, March 2, 2015

Network of Southern Think Tanks (NeST) in Action - How to Measure SSC Impact

This post was originally published on the South-South Opportunity by Multipolar. Authors are responsible for the concepts, ideas, views and opinions disseminated in the blog posts.

* Read the blog in 80+ languages with the translator widget on the right side of the page!

The new year has started with great news for Southern academia working on South-South and triangular cooperation. Building up on previous attempts - notably the extinct Task Team on South-South Cooperation and the subsequent BRICS Academic Fora -, the Network of Southern Think Tanks (NeST) was launched in 2014. It strives to provide a "global platform for Southern Think Tanks to collaboratively generate, systematize, consolidate and share knowledge on South-South Cooperation (SSC) approaches in international development."

Currently key members include RIS (India) - hosting the Secretariat -, CAU (China), IPEA (Brazil), as well as SAIIA and WSG (both South Africa). In particular think tanks, universities, research institutes and NGOs from countries receiving SSC are warmly invited to become "Nest-ed".

One of the key tasks for the NeST will be to assess the quantity, quality and impact of SSC, as a way to respond to the manifold challenges still found in the institutional and operational reality of today's SSC. To this end, the global NeST effort will be enriched by national NeST chapters. Two of these have recently been launched in South Africa and Brazil, with great energy for all involved stakeholders.

In addition, the NeST held a first global Policy Dialogue on Measuring the Impact of SSC in Midrand, South Africa, on March 3 2015, with participation of academia from numerous African and LAC countries (more details here and agenda here). The outcomes will be available soon, so stay tuned to the NeST here at and other partnering platforms.